Dividend Portfolio Excites Me

By | February 18, 2017

emoticon-1610573_1280I know it’s been a while since I created a post. Truth be told, I won’t be fully back until May. But, I couldn’t wait until then before expressing why Dividend Portfolio excites me.

Today, I did a search for Divided Portfolio on Google. I typed “dividend portfolio” in the search engine without the use of the quotation marks. Even though there were 50,000,000 results, Dividend Portfolio, was showing up on page 4 of Google. That’s without me doing much search engine optimization (SEO) on the website. So, at some point, I’m going to look how to get Dividend Portfolio on the first page of Google. Visitation to the site will hopefully increase then. If you have any ideas, let me know. But for now, go to Google and see for yourself.

By the way, the other thing I noticed is that some of my posts appear on the first page of Google just by typing in the heading of the post. For example, my post on Conscious Spending Plan appears on the first page of Google if you simply search “Conscious Spending Plan” with or without using the quotation marks. And, that is out of 19,000,000 results as of the February 19, 2017. Brilliant!

I am very new to all of this. I’m very new to dividend investing. You can easily tell that from the size of my portfolio. I’m also very new to blogging. I have a full-time job that, at times, keeps me very preoccupied. That’s been mainly the reason why I’m projecting May before I can start posting more frequently. However, I love to blog. I get excited with every new unsolicited comment. It’s a reminder that the website isn’t just one out of 50,000,000 that nobody sees or ever bother to look at.

I will do my best to try and post at least one new post a month until May. Since it is a new year, I’ll be updating my goals for dividend income for 2017. I’ll also do a 2016 report and an assessment on whether I was able to achieve my 2016 goals.

8 thoughts on “Dividend Portfolio Excites Me

  1. Investment Hunting

    It takes a while to get good SEO rankings. I’m sure mine would be much better If I dedicated more time to it. I recently switched my blog over to HTTPS, I’ve seen huge gains in my SEO rankings. Maybe you should try it.

    1. Data Lore Post author

      Wow. I have no idea how to do that, but I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion IH.

  2. DivHut

    Keep writing, keep investing. I know it can be tough to find the time or make the effort to write a post but many in our community enjoy reading updates and personal investing accounts. The more content you write the better your SEO.

    1. Data Lore Post author

      Thanks DH for the encouragement. That’s my plan right now – to keep writing.


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