Debt Payoff Report – July 2023

By | August 4, 2023

It’s another month and so it’s time for me to write my debt pay-off report. When I posted my last report, I posted it in June (the same month as the payoff report). I think that doesn’t make sense, and so much like my other reports, I’ve decided to post on the previous month. So, we are here in August, and thus I can fully report on my payments throughout all of July (rather than just a portion). Debt, especially bad debt like credit cards, is a thief. It steals from my future self. To that extent, my goal is to get rid of this debt as soon as possible. So, without further adieu, let’s see how much of this debt I was able to eliminate in July 2023.

Debt Payoff Progress

In July, I made the following debt payments:

July debt payoff

A word about the remaining balance. It’s not straight math. Not only are there interest charges factored in, but I do use my credit card sometimes. These purchases include, for example, paying for a hotel when I travel.

Final Thoughts

The struggle is real! If you look at my credit card balance, it’s good that I was able to bring the balance close to $10,000. But, despite trying, I’ve had to use my credit card for certain expenses because I didn’t have enough cash.

Ultimately though, my debt paydown is moving in the right direction! I want to payoff my credit card ASAP!. What’s really going to be interesting is to see what I do with the cash flow once the above accounts are paid off! I can’t wait.

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